Bethel is aLIVE in ’25

Dear Members and Friends of Bethel Community SDA Church,

With warm radiance and a heart of abundant love, I extend New Year’s greetings, and best wishes to you, on behalf of our family. We are grateful to you for accepting us as your new pastoral family. We eagerly anticipate what God will do with and through each member of our church to connect souls to Jesus, and to bade them come to Him so that they can grow in Him.

This New Year has been branded Pentecost 2025” by the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, and “Alive in Twenty-Five” by our local church. Our Connect, Come, and Grow Teams and Support Ministries are leading the charge in preparing the church locally through various outreach initiatives. More details will be provided in future releases.

Let this be our grand opportunity to co-labor with Christ for the upbuilding of His kingdom and the saving of souls, bearing in mind that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).

Please take special note of some important dates and events coming up this quarter. January 8 – 18 is reserved as “NAD Ten Days of Prayer” (this will include a Daniel Fast), January 8th is set aside as a day of prayer and fasting for Pentecost 2025, and the night of March 29th is reserved for a district-wide prayer vigil to end the quarter. The focus for the first quarter will be on Renewal, Recommitment, and Reconciliation.

Sincerely, your servant leader,

Pastor Cornel G. Jackson
Bethel Community Seventh-day Adventist Church

Pastor Cornel G. Jackson is a dynamic and compassionate leader, who took the helm of Bethel Community Seventh-day Adventist Church in Lansing, Michigan, in the fall of 2024. With a profound commitment to servant leadership, Pastor Jackson brings to the congregation not only his deep faith and dedication but also a vibrant vision for evangelism, community engagement, and spiritual growth.

Married to Dahlia, Pastor Jackson is a family man at heart, drawing strength and inspiration from his loving relationship and their three adult children.